
We are excited to bring you another issue of The Arizona Pulse. The first issue of 2019 focuses on healthcare innovations, inspired by the Arizona Medical Association (ArMA) 2019 Spring Conference.

The spring issue updates the physician community with what is happening now and what the future might hold.  This issue looks at artificial intelligence in the field of radiology, the Health Policy and Equity Affinity Network, basic concepts of machine learning, and the potential impact of blockchain in the field of healthcare.  Additionally, we examine the impact of direct to consumer genetic testing and how this complex process is being marketed today.

You’ll also find a message from ArMA President, Dr. Traci Pritchard and our popular “10 questions with an ArMA member.”

It is an exciting time to be in the field of healthcare as we continue to see technological advances every day. Thank you for reading and we hope you find this issue both valuable and insightful.


Sarah Coles, MD